Artificial Intelligence in GeneXus - From the description of the business to the functioning system
03:15 PM - 03:45 PM
Grand Ballroom
Diving into the transformative world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in daily life, organizations, and business practices, this talk highlights how GeneXus is revolutionizing application lifecycle management using AI. We will cover everything from the initial conceptualization of systems, focusing on business needs and process modeling, to the design of user experiences and the integration of AI in the applications we develop. Learn how GeneXus empowers rapid application deployment from business narratives, and how AI can streamline development and enable the creation of advanced systems to secure competitive edges.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) signifies a profound revolution in everyday life, organizations, and businesses. In this context, it's crucial to have systems designed for this new era, ensuring we can capitalize on and lead these emerging opportunities.

At GeneXus, we're redefining the entire lifecycle of applications through AI. This involves assistance from the initial phase of system conception, focusing on business requirements and modeling of entities and processes, through to user experience design, and the development and updating process of the systems. Importantly, this includes leveraging AI in the applications we build.

Discover how GeneXus enables the swift publication of applications from business descriptions and natural language dialogues. We'll explore how AI assistance can simplify and enhance development with GeneXus, and how it's possible to construct systems that fully utilize the potential of these advanced technologies for competitive advantages.